
What do you do for a living?

“To many of us define our value, or ourselves by the work we do.”

Simon Sinek

So, what do you do for a living?

I’m often “confronted” with that question, which I guess for most people is easy to answer; “I’m a lawyer” or “I’m a social worker.” (Here’s my standard answer, in case you are curious.)

I enjoy doing so many different things that the answer mostly relies on who am I talking to and the context. I am a visual storyteller, I edit, I shoot, I write. I also teach, and consult for several different companies. But I also love learning about wine, and history. My background is architecture, which I still love. I like photography, but as of late have been learning as much as I can about sound design. Most of the book I read are about finance, and biographies. The podcast I subscribe to go cover the whole spectrum from Radiolab, to Freakonomics all the way to TED Talks.

So, what do you do? On a fascinating conversation between Cal Fussman and Simon Sinek they discuss this topic in a very refreshing and insightful way. I took the liberty to extract a couple of minutes from their interview, but I encourage you to listen to the whole thing!

“If you want to define me by anything, you define me by who I am.”

Simon Sinek

Sinke’s “Start with Why” book and TED Talk (below) are also worth your time.