
The Sound of A Star is Born.

I didn’t like “A Star is Born” as much as my wife and sister (best movie ever!!!!!). I certainly found some parts of the story interesting, but the nerd in me was very curious about the movie’s sound design.

After watching some scenes more carefully I realized that the sound followed the characters and specially the instruments, especially during the live performances scenes.

My findings where finally confirmed when I came across these two episodes on the Soundworks Collection podcast.

A very technical explanation on how the movie was mixed.

It is a well know fact that sound is a HUGE part of any video project. But the more projects I shoot and produce, the more I realize that sound design might be THE key element in making a video project successful or not.

Of course, if there’s no story, or the story sucks, sound might not be able to save the day. But an ok story with ok images and ok editing with engaging sound might be enough to grab the viewers attention.

My favorite part of the podcast. The movie “was shot from stage, as if you (the viewer) were part of the band.”

Here’s the complete interview. Enjoy!