The 3 characteristics of highly successful people.
You’d think it would be easy to find like-minded people in a city like New York, right? Wrong!
Finding talented people is easy. To find reliable people is a different story. Moreover, finding talented AND reliable folks who work well with your company’s culture is a difficult task, to be sure. This is exactly why Zappos offers new hires $2,000 to quit.
After experiencing how difficult is to find talented AND reliable team members for years, and discovering that our own clients were facing the same exact issue we decided to do something.
We just launched our second company, The Digital Distillery Inc. Within our team you’ll find poets, composers, graphic designers, editors, filmmakers, architects, web developers, motion graphics artists, translators, marketing experts, and producers. Our goal is to become a one-stop solution for companies looking to transform ideas and products into visual stories. Here’s our 30-second story.
Productivity isn’t simply about what you do; it’s also about what you don’t do. We quickly realized that by working together we get more done, in less time, and have more fun. We can also tackle more complex projects.
Talent alone is almost worthless if one can’t meet deadlines, work within budgets, and collaborate effectively with others. A reliable, positive, energetic person can, and will, develop new skills, stay ahead of the game, and attract like-minded people.
Stay hungry. Work hard and smart. Think about the next two years, not just how you’re going to pay next month’s rent. And always be grateful. Today’s tiny gigs might be just the tip of the iceberg.
“People don’t stop dreaming when they get old. They get old because they stop dreaming.”